About Us

“A little bit of Slovenia on this side of the ocean!”
This is how we describe the Slovenian Summer Camp or the ‘Farma’ as it is affectionately referred to by our members.
Slovenian Summer Camp (SSC or the Camp) was established in 1958 to provide people of Slovenian heritage in Southern Ontario a place where they can gather to socialize, worship, play and enjoy each other’s company. It is a place where you can attend Sunday mass, participate in friendly sporting competitions, attend cultural events, dance the polka, eat some fabulous home cooked meals and enjoy the best strudel and potica this side of the ocean! These events nurture Slovenian culture and faith for all generations from the very young to the young at heart.

Participation in sporting events is of particular interest to youth. There is something happening every weekend throughout the summer. The calendar outlines organized sports and other events. In addition to organized sporting activities, you can also enjoy swimming, volleyball, balina (bocce), children’s playgrounds and hiking trails.

The SSC is open from Mother’s Day to Thanksgiving. Visitors are welcome. Daily admission fees are collected from all non-members visiting the Camp.
Our thriving community is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our members who continue to volunteer their time to make this place the best it can be. This website offers a brief look at the activities, events and our facilities at the Camp.

In še za naše slovenske obiskovalce…
Slovensko letovišče, ustanovljeno leta 1958, je kot en majhen košček Slovenije tukaj v Kanadi. Vsako leto prirejamo razne kulturne in športne prireditve za kanadske slovence južnega Ontarija. V svoji preteklosti je Slovensko letovišče bilo, kakor še vedno je, kulturni in verski prostor kjer se slovenski rojaki lahko udeležijo raznih slovenskih prireditev in praznovanj; Pust, Materinski dan, Slovenski dan, Telova procesija, noč harmonikarjev, Vinska trgatev in Zahvalni dan, poletna tedenska slovenska mladinska športna srečanja in športne igre, ter darovanje nedeljskih sv. maš v poletni sezoni. Cilj Slovenskega letovišča je, nuditi kanadskim slovencem priložnost za družabno, kulturno in duhovno življenje, na osnovi tradicionalnih slovenskih vrednot.